Gotrp Wiki

Ferment is the Lord of The Arbor, he achieved this position after both his older brother and father died.


Ferment was born the second son of Hobor Redwyne and Olenna Redwyne. He, an amiable and snarky fellow, was raised to deal with the world-renowned Arbor wine busness whilst his bold older brother, Garlan Redwyne, was raised inherit The Arbor and the famed Redwyne Fleet.

Tragedy struck when Garlan died in a tragic accident, which thrust Ferment into the immense pressure of inheriting a lordship. The pressure took its toll on Ferment, and he was often seen drowning his worries in wine. His father died of old age at the beginning of the third era, thrusting Ferment into the lordship.

Important Events

First Era

House Redwyne, led by Lord Hobor, sided against the stag king and fought on the side of the Hightowers and Lannisters during the war of the Ascent of the Lion.

Second Era

Garlan Redwyne dies in a tragic accident.

Third Era

Hobor died of old age, Ferment inherited the lordship of The Arbor. Ferment visited the tournament at king's landing to celebrate the ascent of Nathaniel Arryn to the position of Hand of the King and lost against Ser Petyr Arryn of Gulltown in the first round of the joust.
