Gotrp Wiki
Bandits 96965

The Kingswood Children are remnants of Harys Baratheon's army, Reach soldiers, and Sellswords gone rogue after the outcome of The Battle of the Kingswood.

Notable Members

  • Dorcas, Leader of the Children
  • Red, Member
  • Plum, Member

Beren's Kidnapping

Early spring the Children ambushed Lord Bonifer Tarly and his party of retainers with a shower of arrows in the Kingswood. In a matter of minutes killed two retainers, injured Tyro and took Beren Merryweather hostage. It would be one of their last and most successful robbings.

The Hunt for the Children

  • This will describe the battle (which has not taken place yet. I don't want all of them dead guys! so write some running away to give the next people that want to have Bandits in the Kingswood something to work off of!)